VII Photo Agency Workshops at Lucca Photo Fest 2011

In occasione del decennale di VII Photo Agency e in concomitanza con l’anteprima mondiale della mostra “VII Looks East”, l’Agenzia e il LUCCA PHOTO FEST organizzano cinque workshop fotografici tenuti da altrettanti membri dell’agenzia.
Per informazioni
In celebration of VII Photo Agency’s tenth anniversary and the worldwide premiere of the exhibition “VII Looks East”, the Agency and LUCCA PHOTO FEST present five photographic workshops featuring VII photographers.
For details
19 e 20 novembre / November 19th 20th
“Faces in the city” the workshop will call for immersion in a quest involving day to day progress in the delicate art of the portrait. The goal, then, will be consistency of approach and style for each participant, liberation from orthodox treatment of subjects, and blazing new trails and the ability to catch the crucial moment that betrays the unique complexity of human nature.
26 e 27 novembre / November 26th 27thFRANCO PAGETTI
“Learning to see: shooting stills and video on one assignment” The workshop will deal with the process of working in several platforms simultaneously and learning to see afresh in each. Chris will demonstrate his assignment process, which typically includes shooting stills in colour while simultaneously shooting mono video from which he can subsequently edit stills for additional markets.
3 e 4 dicembre / December 3rd 4th
“Modi alternativi per fare fotogiornalismo” L’obiettivo del workshop è di riuscire, con la propria fotografia, a comunicare un messaggio forte, che risponda all’esigenza di un pubblico ormai stanco di storie che ha la sensazione di conoscere già, e al tempo stesso, sempre più scettico nei confronti di tutto ciò che i media propongono.
“Alternative approaches to photojournalism” The workshop will focus on how to create powerful messages that will connect with an audience that is weary of stories that they think they already know and that is increasingly skeptical about what the media offers