Una stagione di workshops con grandi autori al Lucca Photo Fest 2011

Associazione Nazionale Canon Club Italia

Una stagione di workshops con grandi autori al Lucca Photo Fest 2011

il LUCCA PHOTO FEST (Lucca , 19 Nov- 11 Dic 2011), come ogni anno, offre l’opportunità di seguire dei workshop della durata di due giorni con grandi nomi della fotografia internazionale.

Di seguito il programma degli appuntamenti:

19 – 20 Novembre – November 19th – 20th

. Ron Haviv (VII Photo Agency) – “Il fotogiornalismo oggi” / “Photojournalism Today”

. Li Wei – “L’arte di Li Wei nella cultura cinese” / Li Wei’s Art in Chinese culture context

. Jodi Bieber – “Finding your photographic voice: understanding the process of a story telling with a personal vision”

26 – 27 Novembre

· Antonin Kratochvil (VII Photo Agency) – “Faces in the city”

· Franco Pagetti ( VII Photo Agency) – “On Assignement with Franco Pagetti”i

· Kenro Izu – “Spiritual landscape”

. Elisabeth Biondi – “Photoediting workshop”

. Francesco Jodice – “Workshop of the telescope”

3 – 4 Dicembre

· Chris Morris ( VII Photo Agency) – “IMPARARE A VEDERE: scattare pose e video in un unico assignement” / LEARNING TO SEE: shooting stills and video on one assignment

· Ashley Gilbertson (VII Photo Agency) – “Modi alternative per fare fotogiornalismo” / ” Alternative approches to photojournalism”

· Antonio Manta – “I volti di Lucca dallo scatto alla stampa” / “I Volti di Lucca. From the shooting till the printing”

Per ulteriori informazioni sui workshop o sul festival, visitate il nostro sito http://www.lupf.it/ o contattateci a info@lupf.it.

Vi aspettiamo numerosi, ancora alcuni posti disponibili!





LUCCA PHOTO FEST (Lucca , Nov 19th – Dec 11th 2011), as every year, offers the opportunity to attend two days workshop with great italian and international artists.

Here you are workshops’ details:

November 19th – 20th

. Ron Haviv (VII Photo Agency) – “Photojournalism Today”

. Li Wei – Li Wei’s Art in Chinese culture context

. Jodi Bieber – “Finding your photographic voice: understanding the process of a story telling with a personal vision”

November 26th – 27th

· Antonin Kratochvil (VII Photo Agency) – “Faces in the city”

· Franco Pagetti ( VII Photo Agency) – “On Assignement with Franco Pagetti”

· Kenro Izu – “Spiritual landscape”

. Elisabeth Biondi – “Photoediting workshop”

. Francesco Jodice – “Workshop of the telescope”

December 3rd – 4th

· Chris Morris ( VII Photo Agency) – LEARNING TO SEE: shooting stills and video on one assignment

· Ashley Gilbertson (VII Photo Agency) – ” Alternative approches to photojournalism”

· Antonio Manta – “I Volti di Lucca. From the shooting till the printing”

For further information visit our web site www.lupf.it or e-mail us info@lupf.it.

We wait for you, there are still some availables places!



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